19. The Center of Integrative Materials Discovery (the IMD Center) at the University of New Haven (West Haven, CT, the United States) has two openings for PhD students in AI-driven catalyst design for biomass conversion or CO2 conversion. Please click on the picture for more details about the requirements and application.
18. New Chemistry Graduate Programs (MS and PhD) are now launched at the University of New Haven. The curriculum features with a unique integrative approach, i.e., combining theoretical, computational, and experimental chemistry methods, for the purpose of solving important chemistry challenges such as molecular drug discovery, polymer materials design, catalyst design, and chemical analysis for sustainable environment. Graduates trained by this curriculum can be more competitive in career development. Please click on the picture below to download the CHEM Graduate Program brochure for more details about the program and application.
17. The IMD Center won a $332,576 contract (2018-2020) provided by Higasket Plastics Group Co. Ltd for conducting the research on "Optimizing Polymer Complex Materials Using Integrative Approaches". This research will promote the frontier development in polymer materials design.
16. The IMD Center won a $237,770 contract (2017-2018) provided by Higasket Plastics Group Co. Ltd for conducting the research on "Integrative Analysis of Polymer Complex Materials". This research will promote the frontier development in polymer materials design.
15. Higasket Plastics Group Co. Ltd pledged to donate $100,000 to the polymer materials research led by Dequan Xiao at the Center for Integrative Materials Discovery. In honor of the support of research by Higasket, we are pleased to name one laboratory "HIGA Polymer Materials Laboratory". Collaborative research is to be pursued between HIGA and our center.

14.Congratulations on Dequan Xiao being awarded the title of "University Research Scholar"!

13.Congratulations on Jessica Damon being admitted into the School of Pharmacy at the University of Saint Joseph!

12.Congratulations on Jason An for being admitted into the PhD program in chemistry at the University of Connecticut!

11.The IMD-Lab at UNH won the PITCH award together with Yale collaborators, to study Leukemia diseases.
A proposal by a collaborative team, including Lu and Xiao as well as Stephanie Halene and Jijun Cheng at Yale, was selected by the Connecticut-sponsored Program in Innovative Therapeutics for Connecticut¡¯s Health (PITCH). They will work closely with scientists at the Yale Center for Molecular Discovery.
The complete news can be found in the UNH website.
10. UNH, Yale Researchers Develop Economical, Green Catalytic Process---Release Date: 11/6/2015 12:00 AM
WEST HAVEN, Conn. - Researchers at the University of New Haven and Yale University have discovered a high-quality catalytic process for converting biomass model compounds, which can be used to convert biomass into value-added chemicals, such as biofuels, while minimizing the environmental impact and boosting sustainability.
¡°Some are concerned that you have to make sacrifices in quality to be green,¡± says Dequan Xiao, an assistant professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at the University of New Haven. ¡°But we have discovered a high-quality catalytic process for converting biomass model compounds that is economical and green.¡±
The researchers reported their findings in a research communication, ¡°Highly Selective Hydrogenation and Hydrogenolysis Using A Copper Doped Porous Metal Oxide Catalyst,¡± published in the journal, Green Chemistry.
¡°We discovered that earth-abundant metals based catalysts can be highly selective for the conversion of biomass model compounds,¡± Xiao explained. ¡°And we question the principle of theoretical and computational chemistry to provide insights in understanding the phenomenon.¡±
The complete news can be found in the UNH website and Biomassmagzine.com
9. Congratulations on Alaa Alseyed for being admitted into the PhD program at the University of Connecticut!

8.Congratulations on Jason An and Jessica Damon for receiving the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF), for the summer of 2015!

7. Joseph Daou is admitted into the PhD program in chemistry at Brown University. Congratulations, Joe!

6. A report about Dequan Xiao and the research in the IMD lab is published as "Faculty Spotlight" in the Winter Newsletter of Tageliatela College of Engineering. The title of the report is "Designing dream molecules that work harder, greener, and more efficiently".

Two research projects led by Dequan and Joseph, and Dequan, Pier, and Jenna, respectively, are highlighted in the Winter Newsletter of Tageliatela College of Engineering
5. A paper entitled "Excited-State Intramolecular Hydrogen Transfer (ESIHT) of 1,8-Dihydroxy-9,10-anthraquinone (DHAQ) Characterized by Ultrafast Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy and Computational Modeling" by Dequan Xiao and collaborators was accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry A on March 31, 2014.
4. Joseph Daou will present a poster at ACS 248th National Meeting in SF, CA, entitled "Understanding protein-RNA interactions for alternative splicing during gene expression using molecular dynamic simulations". Congratulations, Joe!
3. A review article on "Inverse Molecular Design for Materials Discovery" by Dequan Xiao and coauthors, is just published as the first chapter in the ebook of "SPR- Chemical Modeling, Applications and Theory" , from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing.
2. A paper entitled "Membrane Permeation Induced by Aggregates of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptides" by Dequan Xiao and coauthors was accepted for publication in Biophysical Journal on October 22, 2013.
1. The Xiao group is established in August 2013, at the University of New Haven.